Monday, August 16, 2010

Pharmacists Take Larger Role on Health Team at Barney's Pharmacy

Click on the title above which links you to an article in the NY Times discussing the importance of pharmacist involvement in helping patients management their ailments. This article features RMS customer Barney's Pharmacy in Georgia.

Note: you will need to create a free account to NY Times online to view this article.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

HHS pulls final HITECH Act breach rule to get it right

As you read the full content of the article (click on the title above to read the article), the important point to note is that the interim final rule remains in full affect and that you must have a written plan and training in place to deal with a breach of patient privacy. If you are not familiar with the HITECH Act and the substantial impact it has on you and your pharmacy, Google "HITECH Act" and you will find plenty of information. The HITECH Act puts teeth behind HIPAA and failure to comply can result in substantial penalties. Click on the title above to read the article.